Samstag, 16. Oktober 2010

William Cornelius Pyles was caught while driving under the influence in Bladen County, North Carolina on March 28th, 2018. Er war schuldig für der verkehrsunfall und er hat Fahrerflucht gemacht;art7943,4583383 sehr geehrte damen und herren, der verkehrsunfall mit fahrerflucht hat stattgefunden am sonntag, 07.05.2006 um 9.15 uhr. ein auto mit U.S nummerschild hat ein unfall gebaut und ist abgehauen. mein nissan almera war total kaputt. und der auto von amerikaner war beschaedigt. sein auto hat fluessigkeit wasser und oel verloren. die ganze nachbarn haben der unfall gesehen. ich war in der mitte der strasse mit angeschaltete blinker richtung meine parkplatz. sechs meter nach links war meine parkplatz. ich habe bilder gemacht um genau zu sehen wo mein auto war und er hat mich von links ueberholt und das ist stramm verboten, weil auf der rechte seite war der strasse frei. am sonntag in einsiedlerhof ist unsere strasse ruhig bis mittag weil die gescaefte sind geschlossen. nachbarn von uns haben ihre autos genommen und spuren nachgefolgt. ich wohne bei kaiserstrasse 15 und der taeter hat gewohnt bei kaiserstrasse 101. meine nachbarin, frau elisabeth wilchow, ist nachgefahren bis kaiserstrasse 101 im hof und dort haben 3 schwarze amerikaner gestanden und ihre beschaedigte auto beobachtet und rauch ist der auto gekommen. die haben ihre koepfe mit ihre haende gehalten und der eine hat mit der andere geschimpft. meine nachbarin ist zurueckgekommen und hat mir alles erklaert schade das ich kein handy dabei hatte ich wollte das fotografieren. nach der verkehrsunfall bin ich schnell rausgekommen hat die frau gesagt und ich habe der unfall betrachtet. gleich nach der unfall waren die amerikanische militaerpolizisten hier und halbe stunde spaeter sind die polizisten gekommen. wir haben alle polizisten gesagt was unsere nachbarin gesehen hat. und wir haben zu die polizisten gesagt das die sollen die oelspuren nachfolgen weil der taeter wohnt nicht weit von uns. alle polizisten haben gesagt ja ja ja. die haben paar bilder gemacht und dann sind die weggefahren. nach 3 monate ungefaehr habe ich von die deutsche polizei ein brief bekommen mit der ergebnis das die polizei hat ihm nicht gefunden und der fall ist geschlossen. laut brief von der staatsanwalt er wird geschnappt falls er zurueck nach deutschland kommt. und die polizisten haben geschrieben das die haben ueberall gesucht in ludwigshafen, mannheim, heidelberg. die polizisten haben die berichte von die nachbarn ignoriert. meine frau hat mit die mps gesprochen und meine frau gesagt das sie amerikanerin und war bei der u.s. army. meine frau hat zu die mps gesagt das die war dolmetscherin bei der armyfuer die hochoffiziere die zustaendig waren fuer der ganze region. wir haben sofort der mietvertrag von der taeter von seiner hausbesitzerin bekommen dann information von die amerikaner das er rausgeflogen ist von der u.s. air force wegen alkohol und drogen. die amerikaner haben uns informiert das er ueber ein jahr ohne fuehrerschein gefahren ist. jede auto der er kaputt gefahren hat war nicht bei die versicherung gemeldet. dort wo er gewohnt hat neben kaiserstrasse 101 ist ein gebrauchtwagen und schrott verkaeufer nach jede unfall paar tage spaeter hat er sein unfallauto dort verkauft. dort wo der neger gewohnt hat der neger hat im erste stock gewohnt und genau obendrauf hat ein deutsche gewohnt. er hat der neger geholfen der auto zu verkaufen. der deutsche heisst karlheinz weber. der neger hat der deutsche zigaretten und alkohol geliefert. ich kenne der weber ueber 40 jahren. er war lebenslang ein zuhaelter und ein rausschmeisser hat gearbeitet von ein puff zu der andere. ich habe gearbeitet jahrelang als geschaeftsfuehrer in bars gearbeitet und in 1970 habe ich der taxifuehrerschein gemacht und oft habe ich taxis gefahren als aushilfe. durch meine beruf kenne ich der mann.  grosse und kleine nachbarn von weber haben zu mir gesagt das er niemals geld haette weil er immer besoffen war. nach jede verkehrsunfall der der neger verursacht hat hat weber die unfallautos von der neger nebenan an der schrotthaendler verkauft. kurze zeit nach der unfall ist der weber schnell ausgezogen nach kaiserslautern mit seiner freundin. bevor er ausgezogen ist war er paar mal bei mir auf der fenster zusammen mit seiner stieftochter und er hat zu mir gesagt du hast mich ueberall als zeuge gemeldet ich habe das alles gesehen und gewusst. wenn du was von mir verlangst das kostet geld. ich habe zu der weber gesagt diese moment als der unfall passiert ist bis du vorbei gefahren und du hast gehalten und der unfallstelle betrachtet und mich auch. und du bist direkt bach hause gefahren und du hast die taeter getroffen die ganze nachbarn haben dich gesehen als du der bescaedigte auto betrachten hast und alle nachbarn haben gesehen das du dort wohnst. ich habe von der weber sein bericht von die polizei. er hat nicht geschrieben das er der unfall gesehen hat und das er die selbe adresse hat mit der neger der der unfall gebaut hat. ich verlange von die polizei und staatsanwalt eine bescheinigung und eine bestaettigung das william cornelius pyles war schuldig fuer der verkehrsunfall und die amerikaner koennen dem gleich festnehmen weil die amerikaner und die lesen im internet seinerkorrespondenz mit seiner bruder und andere verwandte. die achten auf jede bewegung von dem und die informieren mich ueber jede bewegung die er macht. die wissen sogar wo er  arbeitet. ich habe verschiedene firmen ueber dem geschrieben und die firmen haben dem gekuendigt. ich habe briefe bekommen von sein bruder warren antjuan pyles und er hat geschrieben das sein bruder wird niemals zugeben das er schuldig ist fuer der verkehrsunfall. ich verlange von die deutsche polizei eine bestattigung und eine bescheinigung das er war der taeter und die amerikaner koennen dem kriegen jeder zeit. was sie zu mir geschrieben haben ist, ist alles quatsch. er lebt in europa. er war in der tuerkei in oman in irak in afghanistan mit verschiedene amerikanische firmen. und jedesmal fliegt er nach amerika ueber deutschland. und die behoerden haben gelogen das haben alle informiert wenn er nach deutschland kommt wird er festgenommen. die amerikaner sagen die deutsche haben der neger unterstutzt und versteckt er hat 4 verkehrsunfaelle mit fahrerflucht verursacht. die deutsche verstecken jede amerikaner der ein verkehrsunfall mit fahrerflucht macht weil deutschland hat immer noch kein friedensabkommen mit die amerikaner. ich sende ihnen berichte von zeitungen wo amerikaner haben geschaefte in deutschland ueberfallen und nach 20 jahren sind die festgenommen. ich habe ueber 8 jahren viele solche berichte gesammelt. anbei in der anlage sind einige. nur bei verkehrsunfaelle mit fahrerflucht sind die polizisten zu faul zu suchen. in amerika kann er kein arbeit bekommen weil er ist wegen alkohol und drogensucht von der militaer rausgepflogen. er verkehrt in europa und asien. ich habe bis heute kein cent gekriegt als entschaedigung und ich sitze im rollstuhl. ich warte auf der bescheinigung und dann die amerikaner werden dem kriegen. von die deutschen gibt es keine gerechtigkeit. der amerikaner war schuld und ist weggefahren aber die deutsche haben meine fuehrerschein entzogen. die haben mich bestraft weil ich habe der kommissar beleidigt. bilder von der verkehrsunfall sind auch in der anlage. sie werden sehen das der neger hat versucht von links mich zu ueberholen aber rechts war der strasse frei. Mann sieht kein deutsche Polizist auf die Bilder. Die deutsche Polizisten haben 3 Bilder gemacht und die sind weggefahren. Die haben der Ölspur nicht nachgefolgt. Konstantinos pappis I am physically handicapped and sitting in a wheelchair because of that monster William Cornelius Pyles. I can´t walk anymore. William Pyles!/profile.php?id=512427630 He posted on facebook that he is employed with Lockheed Martin in Oman. How can be employed with Lockheed Martin in Oman when he has a dishonorable discharge from the US Air Force? I was told that he was dishonorable discharged because he was a drunkard and a drug abuser. With that information, I ask how can he receive employment? Why wasn´t a background check done on him? American and German police also gave me information on Pyles

William Cornelius Pyles SSN 282-76-1219
Who links to my website?

Who links to my website?

IP Geolocation

I would appreciate it if all of my blog readers would come by my residence. I will be very happy to tell them all of the details about the hit and run car crash. I am at home in the afternoon everyday.

Die Blog Besucher können bei mir vorbei kommen und ich kann alles erklären über der Verkehrsunfall mit Fahrerflucht.

My address is:

Konstantinos Pappis
Kaiserstrasse 15
67661 Kaiserslautern
in Einsiedlerhof

Dear Mr. Stewart,

Why don´t you help me find the American who crashed into my husband´s car in Kaiserslautern, Germany and drove off. Help me find him and when I receive financial compensation, I´ll contribute to the Obama campaign. You want me to vote for Obama, but you won´t help me.
Christina Pappis

2011/2/25 Mitch Stewart,

Christina --

The Summer Organizer Program is where the future of this movement is built.

Every year, hundreds of organizers learn the ropes and lay the groundwork that wins elections and creates change.

We asked for applications on Tuesday, and in just three days, we've already received more than ever before.

This enthusiasm gets me fired up, and it bodes well for all the work ahead of us -- but only if we can capitalize on it.

So we want to expand our summer budget -- and put more organizers in more communities. To do so, we're counting on 12 donations from your area before Sunday at midnight to help us go bigger.

Please donate $3 or more today to support Organizing for America and help us expand this year's Summer Organizer Program.

Our summer organizers are volunteers, but this program's budget makes sure they don't have to worry about housing or having the resources they need while they're working their tails off.

And it's worth it -- the investments we make in these organizers today pay off ten-fold down the road.

I've seen what these summer organizers go on to do. Some get hired to be full-time organizers for OFA. Others go on to lead organizations, putting the principles they learned to work in their hometowns.

Some even run for office themselves.

They are the next generation of progressive leaders in this country -- and, for many, this is where their careers will begin.

This year, we want to expand our program. And that doesn't just mean more organizing will be done this summer. It means there will be more people out there for years to come, ready to put their skills to use to support the President and his agenda and to make change a reality in their areas.

You don't have to look far today to see how important it is to have trained organizers ready to spring into action on the local level.

That's why OFA doesn't just strive to develop good organizers -- we train the best. Because we know what's possible when we invest in people, and when we invest in one another.

Be one of 12 folks to chip in from your area before midnight Sunday and help expand the Summer Organizers Program.

Please donate $3 or more today:

Thanks for believing in organizing,


William Cornelius Pyles is the overseas projects manager with ITL General, Inc. and he is in Afghanistan.


These pictures show the car that I had to buy after the hit and run accident and the poor condition of the car.

Demetrus and Alisha Sutton


Bankers Business Management Services Inc
8121 Georgia Avenue
Suite 609, Silver Spring, MD 20910
P. 301-565-0601

Demetrus is a business development specialist at BBMS and he is William Cornelius Pyles´s brother-in-law.

Demetrus sent you a message.

Re: your brother-in-law William Pyles

I want to make this very clear.
1. I don't know if what you are saying is true.
I understand your complaint. I seems as if it is very traumatic. If so, I understand your desire for retribution and I am sure that justice will be served. Please understand, I am not on anyone's side in this situation. I now pray for your family as I do my own.
2. In order to keep your credibility, you may want to cease from threats or anything that may resembles the communication of a threat.
This will prolong whatever litigation you have pending. Be advised that here, in the US the communication of a threat is a crime within itself. Allow the system to work for you. If not, I will put it to work for myself.
3. I have, at this point in my life one family.
That family consists of the two people pictured here. If aside from apology I or my wife is further harassed you will become a victim of your own recognizance. I will further clarify myself by saying: No action whatsoever will be taken by myself or my wife. I am sure that whomever you speak of in your emails to my place of business, is old enough to handle this situation him/ herself. Once again any further contact from you will only persuade me to take action against you. Your threats do not scare me. your accusations do not shake me. My wife and I will have no further communication with you concerning this matter. If you need Mailroom Support, Courier Service, Unarmed Security, or shuttle service; you can feel free then to email my company. If you would like someone to help with personal fitness, then email my wife. If you need someone to pray for you we are both already praying. Other than that, do not harass us anymore.

God Bless You,

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Warren sent you a message.

Re: Your brother William

"Listen,you aint gettn nothing out of my brother,and im letting you know now im putting a block on you from my facebook. evidently you didnt understand me the 1st response i sent you when i said DONT! write me any more, that this wasnt and isnt my buisness. so i guess now you are trying to become my harasser."

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Facebook contact with William´s family members

Tell William to inform USAA Insurance in Frankfurt about the hit and run crash in Kaiserslautern so that my husband can receive financial compensation for the damges. The european police are looking for him. He will be caught someday. It´s best that William contact USAA soon. It will be too late when he gets caught.

Christina Pappis

Warren Antjuan Pyles
Add as Friend
August 25 at 3:30pm
Report Message
ok and ah why are you sending this to me again,pls dont write me nothing else.i have my own problems and this aint none of my buisness.


Mark as Unread | Delete

William Cornelius Pyles is the operational manager for overseas projects with ITL General, Inc. and he is believed to be in Afghanistan.

Kaiserslautern, Germany August 25, 2009. My name is Christina Pappis and I live at Kaiserstrasse 15, 67661 Kaiserslautern, Germany.

Abundant Life Church of God
220 Pelt Drive
Fayetteville, NC 28301-3472
Dear Minister Moore,
Please forward this message to your parishioner, Constance Pyles, and her son William Cornelius Pyles.
I have been trying to contact Constance Pyles,her sons William and Warren, her daughters Alisha and Alisa through registered mail and through their blogs without success.
I also emailed the following message to Mrs. Pyles son-in-law; Mr. Demetrus Sutton, at the bank where he works in Maryland.


Dear Mr. Sutton,

This message is for and about your brother-in-law, William Cornelius Pyles. I sent messages to your wife Alisha´s myspace inbox, to your sister-in-law, Alisa´s myspace inbox. She read the letter, but there has been no response. Your brother-in-law William hasn´t logged in since June 4th, 2009. Your myspace inbox is only for your friends as I found out. Therefore I am emailing you where you work.


Christina Pappis
This is a message for them.
18.08.09 To William Pyles: I sent the following letter and other letters through German registered mail to you, your mother Constance, your father William Murphy Pyles (I assume that he is your father) and to your sister, Alisha Sutton. I haven..t received an answer yet. Therefore, I decided to contact you through myspace. 29.04.09 To William Pyles, I sent the following letter to the address given through the German Postal Service with registered mail on March 18th, 2009 and I haven..t received a response. Therefore, I decided to communicate with you using this means. I wrote to your car insurance agent , Mr. Martin Goeller, USAA Frankfurt and requested that he communicate with you. I want to send you recent photographs of my physical injuries, but I don..t have your email address. been in pain and I am suffering because of your reckless driving. Konstantinos Pappis Kaiserstrasse 15 67661 Kaiserslautern Germany My main email address: My second email address: Constance Pyles and William Cornelius Pyles 1424 Shaw Rd. Fayetteville, NC 28311-2237 USA On May 7th, 2006, a Sunday morning at about 9.15 CET, you, William Cornelius Pyles, drove from Vogelweh in the direction of the address where you used to live, Kaiserstrasse 101, in Einsiedlerhof. When you reached my address outside of the house where I live, Kaiserstrasse 15, across from the Ristorante Pizzeria Italia and Military Used Car Sales directly in the middle of the street, with the blinker going on and off. I was in my car, about to make a left turn into my parking space, you drove by me on the left side as you tried to bypass my car, when I was making a left turn into my parking space. You should have driven by my car on the right side instead of on the left. The tire tracks from your braking are visible on the asphalt. They are visible on my photographs and the video that I made. You crashed into me and fled the scene of the crash and that is a crime and the punishment for it is severe. Your car lost oil and anti-freeze. We followed the oil and anti-freeze spots on the asphalt and found where you lived. When you crashed into my car and fled the crash scene, an MP car arrived on the scene immediately. They were coming and you were heading to where you lived. The MPs saw you as you fled going toward the place where you lived and your car was smoking because the sheet iron was rubbing the tire and the engine was smoking because your car lost water. The MPs told us to send someone to follow the oil and water droplets that your car lost. We did that. The MPs were one American and one German. Three people were in your car. Two were in the front and one was in the back. You were the driver. We took photographs and made a video of the crash scene. The German police came and they too photographed the crash scene. At the moment when you crashed into my car and fled one of your friends was passing by on a motor scooter, Karlheinz Weber. He stopped and looked at the crash scene and me as I was injured and he left and drove toward Kaiserstrasse 101. The person who we sent to see where you went met your friend, Karlheinz Weber. I was seriously injured then and I still am today. After some time passed and I began to walk again, I together with my wife, visited your landlord; Mrs. Petra Dein. She gave us a copy of your tenants rental agreement with all of your information even your social security number. I asked her and your former neighbors and they said that you committed 3 hit and run car crashes and each time that you crashed you cancelled the registration after a few days you cancelled the cars from the insurer USAA in Frankfurt and the German customs office and from the US military licensing authority, the vehicle registration office. With the help of your friend, Karlheinz Weber, you always sold your cars to the used car dealer/crash car dealer next door to where you lived. We received information from everywhere. The children, where you lived at Kaiserstrasse 101, knew that you committed 3 hit and run car crashes. Your friend, Karlheinz Weber, visited us here many times in order to see how I am doing and he said that he wanted to tell me about you and about your car crashes and who other 2 people in your car were. He came here many times and I went to his apartment many times. Every time I went to Kaiserstrasse 101 your neighbors told me new information about you. Your friend, Karlheinz Weber, disappears and the police and the lawyers are searching for him. Three senior public prosecutors from Zweibruecken had the case. They want to know about the 2 other hit and run crashes that you committed and if you killed anyone. They are trying to bring you here to Germany for prosecution. At the present time, the case is at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, France. I have information about you from the U.S. Air Force. You were a drunkard, a drug addict and that the Air Force gave you a dishonourable discharge (the worst type of discharge). I think that you already know that my wife is American. She has a University degree and speaks 5 foreign languages. She was in the U.S. Army during the Cold War and she was a translator for military officers. At that time, there were many Hellenic-American military officers, both Air Force and Army, and we had connections everywhere through officers and generals because they always needed my wife for her foreign language skills. Through these generals and officers, we made and still have friendships with CID and OSI agents. The agents gave us military documents that show that you lost your drivers license and you continued to drive after you lost your drivers license. I gave the agents your tenants rental agreement (your former landlord, Mrs. Dein, gave me a copy of it as I wrote earlier) and 2 hours later the agents found out where you live in the U.S.A through the Internet. They bought me your address and a picture of the house where you live. The agents told us to write to all of the authorities in the city where you live. My wife informed the Fayetteville, North Carolina Mayor..s office, the Fayetteville, North Carolina Police Department, the North Carolina Motor Vehicles Department about you. I live here in Kaiserslautern for 45 years now and everyone knows me. It is better for you to contact your car insurer; USAA in Frankfurt, and tell them that you committed the hit and run car crash. You don..t have to come here. You can inform USAA from there about the hit and run car crashes that you committed like the one on Sunday morning, May 7th, 2006, where I was the victim. This way you can avoid worse things happening to you when the European courts decide that you have to return to Germany for prosecution. You also have to talk about the other 2 hit and run crashes and if you killed anyone. Who were the 2 passengers in your car? They don..t know a thing at USAA in Frankfurt, where you had your cars insured. You always cancelled the car registrations and you never informed the insurance company. When you inform USAA in the U.S.A, I want a copy of it that you crashed into my car and fled and USAA in the U.S.A must inform USAA in Frankfurt, so that I can receive my financial compensation. That is the only solution so that you can avoid worse things happening to you before the 2 courts make their decisions. If you don..t do as I wrote and the decisions are made, you will have problems for all of your life. The European courts inform the public about their decisions on television and on the Internet. Just like my OSI and CID friends told me, if the case reaches that point, they will inform the U. S. government. As they see things, you are not a good person. They said that you are a bad person and that is why the U.S. Air Force kicked you out. Konstantinos Pappis

William, never worked for American Sciences and Engineering as he posted on his blog. He lied on his blog. I wrote to the company and I received this response: Dear Ms. Pappis: We are responding to your email dated July 7, 2009 in which you have requested information regarding William Cornelius Pyles. In response to your inquiry, we have researched our records and conducted an investigation. Mr. Pyles has never been an employee of American Science and Engineering, Inc. and any representation by him that he is or was an employee of this company, including the posting on his website, is incorrect. We are sorry for your loss and wish you and your family well. Very truly yours, Donna Lee Davis Director, Employment & Employee Relations American Science and Engineering, Inc.
August 20th, 2009
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
Did William Cornelius Pyles work for your company? Does he work for your company? If anyone knows him can they tell me where he is? He posted your companies on his my space blog. He posted American Sciences and Engineering as well. I now see that he falsely posted ASE in order to mislead me. Please read the response from Mrs. Donna Lee Davis and you will see what I mean.
Pyles is gulty of committing a hit and run crash, in which my husband was his victim. It happened right in front of my house in Kaiserslautern, Germany in 2006. Pyles was stationed here at that time with the US Air Force in Ramstein. He was kicked out of the US Air Force with a dishonorable discharge about one month after the crash. He fled to the United States. The American and German police failed to catch him. With lots of hard work my American military police friends and I found his location in the United States. I´ve written many letters to his family members about the crash and I told them that he should inform his car insurer, USAA in Frankfurt, to compensate for my husband´s physical injuries. He was fortunate to survive. the car was demolished though. They haven´t responded and that means that they are hiding him. He drove without a driver´s license and he was at fault for at least 3 other hit and run crashes. He may have killed someone.
Thank you for reading my letter. I won´t give up with my search.
Yours truly,
Christina Pappis

I posted the following blog where you can see the details
Datum19. August 2009 10:07
BetreffWilliam Cornelius Pyles- Where is he?
Bilder von diesem Absender werden immer angezeigt. Von nun an nicht mehr anzeigen.

These are William Pyles´s myspace page URLS.

I also contacted all the Fayetteville, NC city authorites (the Mayor, the police and so forth. I never received a response.

I made 33 attempts to contact the Pyles and the Suttons through myspace. This is just a small sample as proof.


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Alisa Pyles Ungelesen

This is for William Cornelius Pyles. I think he is your brother. 18.08.09 To William Pyles I sent the fol

LiLi Ungelesen

This is for William Cornelius Pyles. I think that he is your brother. 20.08.09 To William Pyles I sent the fol

Will Ungelesen

you 18.08.09 To William Pyles I sent the fol


Will Ungelesen

you 14.08.09 To William Pyles I sent the fol


Will Ungelesen

you 13.08.09 To William Pyles I sent the fol


Will Ungelesen

you 10.08.09 To William Pyles I sent the fol


Will Ungelesen

you 07.08.09


Will Ungelesen

you 05.08.09


Will Ungelesen

you 04.08.09

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This is William Pyles´blog:

Letter to the European Court of Human Rights


My physical injuries are the result of the hit and run car crash. My nose, my lips,my legs and my feet are busted and swollen. I have other physical injuries that are not in the photographs.


Gesetz 205 StPO
Steht der Hauptverhandlung für längere Zeit die Abwesenheit des Angeschuldigten oder ein anderes in seiner Person liegendes Hindernis entgegen, so kann das Gericht das Verfahren durch Beschluß vorläufig einstellen. Der Vorsitzende sichert, soweit nötig, die Beweise.

English translation:

If the absence of the suspect or another obstacle lying in his person stands contrary to the main hearing for for some time, then the court can adjust the method by decision for the time being. The chairman safeguards as far as necessary the evidence.

Gesetz 276

Ein Beschuldigter gilt als abwesend, wenn sein Aufenthalt unbekannt ist oder wenn er sich im Ausland aufhält und seine Gestellung vor das zuständige Gericht nicht ausführbar oder nicht angemessen erscheint.

English translation:
The accused is validated as absent, if his stay is unknown or if he stays abroad and his extradition seems nonexecutable or not adequate in front of the responsible court.

Date: 09.09.08
preliminary proceedings against William Cornelius Pyles: Departure from the scene of the accident to your disadvantage on May 07, 2006

Your letter to the general public prosecutors office in Zweibruecken dated 08.08.08. The general prosecutors office in Zweibruecken sent the letter to the public prosecutors office in Kaiserslautern. The response came from the Kaiserslautern office.
This is a summary of the translation. The public prosecutors office based its response on the two laws in the enclosure. This public prosecutor Mr. Schworm, writes that if Pyles should ever return to Germany, the proceedings will be continued.
Mr. Whitlock and Sgt. Petti: I personally delivered my response to Mr. Schworm this morning. The English ttranslation dated 10.09.08 is in the enclosure.

Christina Pappis on behalf of Konstantinos Pappis

21 August, 2008

Mr. Maciok is from the Texas Department of Insurance

Dear Mr. Maciok,

The USAA member, William Cornelius Pyles, was dishonorably discharged
from the US Air Force in June 2006, and now lives in Fayetteville, NC.
The crime occurred in Kaiserslautern, in front of our house, in May
2006. His cars were insured with USAA in Frankfurt, Germany.

When USAA members commit hit and runs and leave for the United States
shortly afterward, such as he did, neither the USAA Frankfurt office
or its headquarters in Texas take any measures to find their member
and compensate the victim. Europe is a gold mine for USAA. They leave
for the United States after the hit and run and the victims here in
Europe are left with the financial, physical and psychological
problems. I read about these hit and runs every week in the
Kaiserslautern American newspaper.

I´ve tried to find USAA headquarters email address on the home page.
They don´t have even one email address on the home page. It makes it
difficult for hit and run victims in Europe to contact them. That is
also suspicious. The largest insurance company in America doesn´t
provide an email address.


Christina Pappis
Kaiserstrasse 15
67661 Kaiserslautern

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Sent By: Christina Pappis


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Unit Name: U3T0UHKE9M
DMV ID/Fraud Inspectors
Sent By: Christina Pappis

Subject: William Cornelius Pyles. Hit and run car crime that occurred
in Kaiserslautern, Germany in May, 2006.

Dear Sir,

I sent a reply to the above email address yesterday August 12th, 2008.
this email is a continuation.

I am emailing you photographs of my husband Konstantinos Pappis who as
a result of the hit and run is physically injured. His body was
crushed as he was seated in the driver´s seat of the car and he was
crushed by steering wheel, seat belt and dashboard. He never before
the crime needed to walk with a cane and he had never visited a
hospital before. The physical damage is permanent and it gets worse.
He can only walk for a few steps and then he has to stop walking
because of the pain. William Cornelius Pyles and his auto insurer,
USAA, have to compensate for the physical damage and for
Konstantino´s pension. Konstantino´s health insurance company won´t
cover the costs.

Pyle´s US driver´s license was confiscated in 2005. For some reason,
the US law enforcement authorities did confiscate his 2 cars and
cancel their registrations. He continued to drive the cars without a
driver´s license. He cancelled both of the cars´insurances and
registrations at the end of June 2006. I have that information from
police documents. I don´t know how he managed to continue driving his
2 cars after his license plate was confiscated. You as responsible
authorities should make that he is not driving anywhere in the United
States because I have informed you about his driver´s license
confiscation in 2005. You might wish to contact
(NC Traffic Enforcement Unit) and
(569th Military Police, Reports and Analysis Unit in Kaiserslautern,


Christina Pappis
Kaiserstrasse 15
67661 Kaiserslautern

July 31,2007

I am submitting the following for publication in the Stars and Stripes newspaper, Bildzeitung, Die Rheinpfalz newspaper and also informing USAREUR headquarters in Heidelberg. For the USAREUR people: People in Heidelberg have already seen my homepages on the hit and rund car accident. For everyone: You will understand what happened if you continue to read my correspondence. Can some one tell me who can I write to so that the hit and run driver can be caught? He is now in the United States and most likely in Ohio.

Konstantinos Pappis

For USAREUR headquarters:

Dear Mr. Hensley and Major Henderson,

These are questions that I have been asking since 2006. He worked and Ramstein air Base and drove to work every day without a driver´s license. How did he get on base without the driver´s license? Why didn´t confiscate his cars and license plates on the day that he lost his driver´s license?

Konstantinos Pappis

The following is my latest letter to USAA Insurance in Frankfurt and Dallas, Texas.

The police still tell me that no other car accident happened in Einsiedlerhof on that Sunday, Claim Number: 1685 53 45, LR 1, CH 08, William Cornelius Pyles. Only Pyles´car was smoking. 1800 people live here in Einsiedlerhof. His car was burning and he disposed of it. No other accidents occurred here the whole week. It was in such bad shape, according to the witnesses, his neighbors, that it almost didn´t make it Kaiserstrasse 101. It was losing oil and the left side , front area, was in bad shape. All of his neighbors told me that. The MP´s confiscated his driver´s license, because he was always drunk and on drugs. They confiscated the driver´s license but they didn´t confiscate his cars because the MPs were stupid. If they had confiscated his cars and license plates, the accident would never have happened. I made my homepages on the web so the public can read about the deception from the USAA. These KA newspaper articles justify that the police should have confiscated his cars also and not just the driver´s license. The article is from USAREUR Headquarters in Heidelberg. I had sent my home pages to Heidelberg earlier. It is clear that I am right. The USAA insurance is not operating correctly. USAA deceives people in order to save money and not pay compensation. With these newspaper articles, the article from headquarters, my relatives in the USA read them in my emails and they told me to mail them all of my documents so that they could sue USAA in court in the USA ansd the case will appear in newspapers and on tv there. That will happen since you do not want to come here and you are trying to deceive us. At least 15 insurers in this area told me this. Pyles´friends, as I wrote earlier, who helped him junk his accident cars 3 times, are pimps and permanenetly unemployed. They work as pimps in the whorehouses in Kaiserslautern. And the other neighbor named Roman Mueller, owns 2 large American cars (vans) and he is always unemployed. Whatever I write goes into my homepages. You have to ciome on a Sunday morning, where you can see that there are no witnesses. The MPs are the witnesses. They were right behind my car one minute after the accident occurred. They saw him fleeing the scene. They saw his smoking car. I am still injured from the accident.

Konstantinos Pappis

Keep license, registration up to date

Jul 27, 2007, 16:52

by Spc. Sean Finch
U.S. Army Europe
Public Affairs Office

United States Army Europe officials are reminding drivers to be sure to renew their USAREUR licenses and vehicle registrations to avoid fines and penalties.

Officials said allowing licenses to expire is one of the most common traffic offenses in the command. Because the USAREUR license is valid for five years from its issue date, many drivers forget to check the expiration date.

Claus Hensley, a traffic clerk with the U.S. Army Garrison Heidelberg Provost Marshal's Office, said that driving with a suspended or expired license carries with it the potential for a criminal report that can even follow drivers back to their homes in the United States.

Driving on an expired license can result in suspension or revocation of the license. Driving on a suspended or revoked license carries with it the penalty of having the license revoked for no less than five years – and possibly indefinitely, said Mr. Hensley.

"It's also worth noting that anyone who allows someone to operate their vehicle without a valid license can suffer the same repercussions," Mr. Hensley said.

"Those (drivers) I've seen get this offense state that they forgot or didn't notice that the license had expired," said Maj. Valerie Henderson, commander, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, USAREUR.

Henderson said as a commander she is concerned that she has noticed a recent increase in driving offenses. For example, there was an increase in drivers operating vehicles on expired registrations, she said.

"Most registration violations we hear about are on post and usually called in by military police or the Ponds guards (the civilian guards posted at the entrances to many USAREUR installations)," said Mr. Hensley. "For the first offense we will confiscate the (license) plates from the vehicle and the operator must rectify the situation before he can have his plates returned."

If a driver is cited with a second registration violation within a two-year period, his license is automatically suspended for 90 days.

© Copyright 2007 by

New law puts restricton on those under 21

Jul 27, 2007, 16:44

As of Aug. 1, people under the age of 21 are prohibited from drinking any alcohol when operating a vehicle on public roads in Germany. In other words, the presence of any alcohol in the blood is an offense under German law if you are driving and under the age of 21. Anyone violating this law will be fined up to €1,000.

This new German law does not change the current rules for suspension of driving privileges. Driving privileges are suspended if your blood alcohol test is .05 g/100 ml or above. Germans authorities and U.S. authorities report BATs different. German law uses milligrams (mg) per milliliters (ml). U.S. law uses grams per 100 milliliters. Therefore, a "0.5" BAT in Germany would be a "0.05" BAT in the USA.

If your BAT is 0.5 (0.05 in the U.S. report), the German authorities will normally suspend your license for one month and and charge a €250 fine. Air Force authorities will automatically revoke your driving privileges for one year.

If you have an accident or other evidence of "functional defects" in your driving (for example, swerving repeatedly or repeatedly crossing the center line), then German authorities reduce the "legal" BAT to 0.3 (0.03 in the US report). In that case, you could receive a criminal fine (ranging from several hundred Euros to more than €1,000 depending on your income) and in some cases, even jail time. German authorities will revoke your license - and Air Force authorities will also revoke driving privileges for a year.

Air Force and USAREUR authorities are reviewing the new German law to determine if any changes are needed to USAREUR and AF regulations governing your USAREUR driving privileges.

(Courtesy of the 435h Air Base Wing legal office)

© Copyright 2007 by




July 30, 2007

Dear Sir,

I am submitting this for publication in the Kaiserslautern- American newspaper. Since the day of the hit and run accident, May 7th, 2006, I have made progress in finding the monster who destroyed my life and my car. My search for him is nationwide. I was happy to read those two articles in last week´s edition because they match with the incident. I have built homepages about the accident and am sending copies of them to all motor vehicle offices in the United States and the AAA in my attempt to find the monster. I also sending those two articles along with the email. This information is important for the people back home to know. One reason is that the monster is known to have a drinking problem and second he continued to drive his cars even after he lost his license. The MPs didn´t confiscate his cars or the license plates. You are welcome to stop by and see my pictures of the accident.

Thank you very much

Konstantinos Pappis

July 25, 2007

Dear Sir, You might want to refer this letter to the city mayor and to the police department This is all a part of my search for the monster who crashed in to my car and fled the scene. He is a citizen of Ohio. Help me make more progress in finding him. Thank you. Below you will read much of the correspondence that I have wriiten since the day of the accident in 2006. This monster almost killed me. He may be driving on Ohio streets and stills is dangerous to the general public. You can also keep this information on file for future use as proof of his criminal history should he commit any crimes in the United States. He was known as very bad person here in Kaiserslautern.

Konstantinos Pappis

July 25, 2007

For US Air Force Brigadier General,

I had correspondence with the following personnel at Ramstein AB last year about the hit and run accident where I was the victim:

Matthias L. Völker, German Legal Advisor, Ramstein Air Base
Captain David Knight, 569 USFPS/SFO
MSGT Nicole Willis, Command Investigations Manager Unit 3050
Barb Felden Host Nation Office RAB

I´ve made progress in finding out who the driver is who left me to die on the street. But I have questions that still haven´t been answered. Why didn´t some one from the police forces follow the oil and water spots that the hit and run driver´s car left after it crashed into my car? Why didn´t the police forces confiscate his cars on the day that he lost his driver´s license, which was almost a year before he cancelled his car insurance? Why wasn´t he caught for the 3 hit and run car accidents that he made after the day that he lost his driver´s license? He may have killed someone. He almost killed me. I still want him found. He is now in the United States and most likely in Ohio. I´ve written to a multitude of authorities both here and in the United States. Read on

Thank you

Konstantinos Pappis

July 24, 2007

Konstantinos Pappis
Kaiserstrasse 15
67661 Kaiserslautern

For the FBI

Dear Sir,

The correspondence that you will read below, is what I wrote to USAA car insurance in Frankfurt, Germany and San Antonio, Texas. The subject and USAA member, William Cornelius Pyles SSAN: 282-76-1219 now living in Ohio is a 3 time hit and run driver who has yet to be caught. I am one of his victims. He may have killed the people in the two other accidents. Could you help me catch him and bring him to justice?

Thank you
Konstantinos Pappis


Dear Sir,

I understand you letter very well although I must say that I am not very happy with it. You write about police findings. I have dealt with the same police in 65 cases, where my neighbors tyrannized me. Not once did the police find someone. They covered my neioghbors up, because I am the foreigner. On the day of the accident they didn´t follow the oil and water tracks that Pyles´car left on the street. That is how lousy , lazy and incompetent the police are. Right after the accident, I called my car insurance agent, when he was at home because it was A Sunday and he came over here right away and and saw the site. He didn´t wait for police reports like you. I don´t need lawyers at this time. I have emailed all of my correspondence to various authorities in the US. Since you provided his social security number, I tracked it down to Ohio.

to be continued

20 July, 2007
Dear IRS
THIS IS NOT A TAX QUESTION. How can William Cornelius Pyles be contacted? His former landlady, the US military and German police gave me his social security number. He is a hit and run driver and I was his victim. The correspondence below was sent to many authorities even social security, which was no help. I thought that they would be able to contact him and tell him that I have his ssn, but they couldn´t. They advised to me hire a lawyer, which I did, but it was a waste of time because he has to be caught be a lawyer can be hired.
Thank you
Konstantinos Pappis
My complaint about USAA Insurance, San Antonio, Texas office

This is about the person who hit my car and sped away. He is a USAA member.
He registered his cars with USAA. A few weeks later he left Germany for the
United States and USAA won´t track him down for me. I have to find him
myself. Other USAA members have done the same type of crime. Soon after the
hit and run, they depart for the states and the victims living here in
Europe have no one to turn to.

July 18, 2007

July 13, 2007

For the newsroom and editor,
I am forwarding the following to your newspaper. I want the newspaper reading public how USAA insurance exercises deception when it comes to hit and run drivers who happened to have their cars insured with USAA. Could you help me out with this? Put me in the right direction. It is Okay if you publish this information. Konstantinos Pappis

July 13, 2007
Dear Congressman Smith, USAA Insurance is in San Antonio. I last wrote to the president of USAA on June 28, 2007 and as of today I have not received a response. I hope that USAA is searching for William Cornelius Pyles (according to his social security number, his home state is Ohio) He almost killed me. He is a USAA member. He insured his cars with USAA. He committed three hit and run car accidents, as his former neighbors told me, and wasn´t caught. The USAA Frankfurt office closed the case through deception. USAA does not want to compensate me for my injuries. Can you find out if USAA is trying to find this hit and run driver? They have his home address. I´ve also sent this message to authorities from all over the United States particularly his home state Ohio. He is a danger to the public in the USA, just as he was here in Kaiserslautern. I have been pursuing him relentlessly for over a year now.
Thank you.

Konstantinos Pappis

Please help me find William Cornelius Pyles. He is resident of the state of Ohio and he almost killed me in a hit and run car accident last year.

July 12, 2007

Konstantinos Pappis

Kaiserstrasse 15

67661 Kaiserslautern

Dear Sir,

I need your help in finding William Cornelius Pyles. He is a member of USAA. His cars were insured with USAA. USAA has office in his home state Ohio (see his Ohio social security number below). He returned to Ohio after the Air Force kicked him out. I have emailed my request to various authorities among them Governor Ted Strickland, Department of Public Safety, USAA in San Antonio, Texas. My only is hope is that they are trying to find him. Anyway I am continuing my pursuit, because I want him to be caught and punished for his crimes. He committed three hit and run car accidents here in Germany and was never caught. He may have committed other serious crimes here also. He may have killed people. He almost killed me. My idea was to email the USAA offices in Cincinnati and wherever else they may be located in Ohio. The problem is that USAA that I can´t find the email addresses for the offices in Ohio. Can you send me those email addresses? I want email them all of this information. Is it possible that you may be able to find Pyles?

I thank you for your assistance in this matter.

Yours truly,

Konstantinos Pappis

Please give the following information to the proper authorities

July 10, 2007

Konstantinos Pappis

Kaiserstrasse 15

67661 Kaiserslautern


Dear Sir, This is an investigation request for the following individual, William Cornelius Pyles SSAN: 282-76-1219. His former landlady, Frau Petra Dein, Kaiserstrasse 101, 67661 Kaiserslautern, Germany and the German police in Kaiserslautern gave me his social security number. I believe he is a resident of your state. I based that my looking up the ssn number on the internet. I am requesting this investigation because he crashed into my car and left the scene of the crash. According to his former landlady and neighbors, he was at fault for three hit and run accidents. He was never caught. He may have killed someone. He almost killed me. He may have committed other serious crimes such as bank robbery while he was stationed with the US Air Force here in Germany. He no longer had a driver´s license on the day of the hit and run accident Sunday, May 7, 2006 . The US military police had confiscated the US driver´s license months before the accident, but they didn´t confiscate his cars. So he continued to drive them until he was kicked out of the US Air Force. I think that he may be driving again back in his of residency when he shouldn´t be.

Below you will see my coorespondence with his insurer USAA, San Antonio, Texas, Frankfurt, Germany, the governor of your state and other state authorities. I have constructed homepages and blogs on the accident and I will add this letter to my homepages and blogs.

Yours truly,

Konstantinos Pappis

July 13, 2007

For the newsroom and editor,
I am forwarding the following to your newspaper. I want the newspaper reading public how USAA insurance exercises deception when it comes to hit and run drivers who happened to have their cars insured with USAA. Could you help me out with this? Put me in the right direction. It is Okay if you publish this information. Konstantinos Pappis

July 13, 2007
Dear Congressman Smith, USAA Insurance is in San Antonio. I last wrote to the president of USAA on June 28, 2007 and as of today I have not received a response. I hope that USAA is searching for William Cornelius Pyles (according to his social security number, his home state is Ohio) He almost killed me. He is a USAA member. He insured his cars with USAA. He committed three hit and run car accidents, as his former neighbors told me, and wasn´t caught. The USAA Frankfurt office closed the case through deception. USAA does not want to compensate me for my injuries. Can you find out if USAA is trying to find this hit and run driver? They have his home address. I´ve also sent this message to authorities from all over the United States particularly his home state Ohio. He is a danger to the public in the USA, just as he was here in Kaiserslautern. I have been pursuing him relentlessly for over a year now.
Thank you.

Konstantinos Pappis

Please help me find William Cornelius Pyles. He is resident of the state of Ohio and he almost killed me in a hit and run car accident last year.

July 12, 2007

Konstantinos Pappis

Kaiserstrasse 15

67661 Kaiserslautern

Dear Sir,

I need your help in finding William Cornelius Pyles. He is a member of USAA. His cars were insured with USAA. USAA has office in his home state Ohio (see his Ohio social security number below). He returned to Ohio after the Air Force kicked him out. I have emailed my request to various authorities among them Governor Ted Strickland, Department of Public Safety, USAA in San Antonio, Texas. My only is hope is that they are trying to find him. Anyway I am continuing my pursuit, because I want him to be caught and punished for his crimes. He committed three hit and run car accidents here in Germany and was never caught. He may have committed other serious crimes here also. He may have killed people. He almost killed me. My idea was to email the USAA offices in Cincinnati and wherever else they may be located in Ohio. The problem is that USAA that I can´t find the email addresses for the offices in Ohio. Can you send me those email addresses? I want email them all of this information. Is it possible that you may be able to find Pyles?

I thank you for your assistance in this matter.

Yours truly,

Konstantinos Pappis

Please give the following information to the proper authorities

July 10, 2007

Konstantinos Pappis

Kaiserstrasse 15

67661 Kaiserslautern


Dear Sir, This is an investigation request for the following individual, William Cornelius Pyles SSAN: 282-76-1219. His former landlady, Frau Petra Dein, Kaiserstrasse 101, 67661 Kaiserslautern, Germany and the German police in Kaiserslautern gave me his social security number. I believe he is a resident of your state. I based that my looking up the ssn number on the internet. I am requesting this investigation because he crashed into my car and left the scene of the crash. According to his former landlady and neighbors, he was at fault for three hit and run accidents. He was never caught. He may have killed someone. He almost killed me. He may have committed other serious crimes such as bank robbery while he was stationed with the US Air Force here in Germany. He no longer had a driver´s license on the day of the hit and run accident Sunday, May 7, 2006 . The US military police had confiscated the US driver´s license months before the accident, but they didn´t confiscate his cars. So he continued to drive them until he was kicked out of the US Air Force. I think that he may be driving again back in his of residency when he shouldn´t be.

Below you will see my coorespondence with his insurer USAA, San Antonio, Texas, Frankfurt, Germany, the governor of your state and other state authorities. I have constructed homepages and blogs on the accident and I will add this letter to my homepages and blogs.

Yours truly,

Konstantinos Pappis

July 6th, 2007

Konstantinos Pappis
Kaiserstrasse 15
67661 Kaiserslautern

USAA Insurance,9800 Fredericksburg Rd, San Antonio, TX 78288, USA

Dear Sir,

I just want to add something to my previous message. I do not live in a city. Einsiedlerhof is a town with 1800 inhabitants. According to German law, the town must have at least 2000 inhabitants for a doctor to open a practice here. Therefore, I had to travel far with the help of neighbors and taxi drivers so that a doctor can examine and treat my injuries resulting that hit and run accident.

On that Sunday morning, May 7th, 2006, there is a small church some 50 meters away from where I live (where the accident occurred), 30 to 40 people were standing outside of that church on the sidewalk. Those people told me that they recognized the hit and run driver and they knew where he lived. They also said that they won´t elaborate further on what they know because my wife and I are Americans and they don´t like because of that.

What witnesses have the USAA insurance agents in Frankfurt asked? Why don´t they come here to Kaiserslautern. There is only one main street and that is the Kaiserstrasse.

This letter will also appear on my homepages and blogs about William Cornelius Pyles.

His former landlord, Mrs. Dein, is afraid to lose her American tenants and that is why she won´t tell on Pyles. As for his neighbors in general, Pyles brought them American hard liquor and cigarettes. His best friend and neighbor, Karl-Heinz Weber, is a pimp. He sold Pyles´cars to the used car dealers. Pyles paid him to junk the cars. That is why Weber isn´t talking either.

Yours truly,

Konstantinos Pappis

2 July, 2007

Konstantinos Pappis
Kaiserstrasse 15
67661 Kaiserslautern

Dear Sir,

This is not a suggestion. The correspondence below is also a home page. I placed the home page on the web in my quest to find William Cornelius Pyles. I mailed those letters to the car insurance company of hit and run driver, William Cornelius Pyles and to the local district attorney. I’ve searching for him since May 7, 2006, when he crashed into my car and left the scene. I think that he an Ohioan according to his SSAN. Can you inform the police and the insurance company? Where does he live? What is his age? I am asking you this because I want to inform the local police. His cars were insured with USAA Frankfurt, Germany which has a headquarters in San Antonio, Texas. Give me your opinion, where I should send my complaint: to the (Ohio?) police, Department of Transportation (Ohio?), Bureau of Motor Vehicles (Ohio?)? In what city? I need the information for the court and the district attorneys office here in Kaiserslautern.

William Cornelius Pyles committed 3 hit and run car accidents here The German police told me that they could bring him back here “only if he had killed me, that the German police are not responsible, that the American police have to find him”.

He drove cars for more than a year without a driver’s license and most likely he is currently driving cars in the USA (Ohio maybe) when he shouldn’t be.

The military police were so dumb. They confiscated his U.S. driver’s license, but they didn’t cancel his car registration or confiscate his cars. He continued to drive for more than a year without a driver’s license. He crashed into my car during that time. That wouldn’t have happened if the police had done their job correctly instead of letting him continue to drive.

About one minute after the accident, a US military police was behind my car and it came from the direction in which the hit and run driver drove. In other words, Pyles drove past the military police car. The military police saw him but pretended not to see him and they covered him up. HIS U.S DRIVER´S LICENSE WAS CONFISCATED AND THEREFORE HE SHOULDN´T BE DRIVING IN THE UNITED STATES.

I am asking you to place this information in the William Cornelius Pyles file. I found out that he received a bad conduct discharge from the US Air Force.

Do you know where I can complain about the USAA insurance headquarters in San Antonio, Texas? They should have located through their detectives and their representative offices, but they didn’t.

Those are the reasons why I constructed home pages and blogs on the Web about, William Cornelius Pyles, the hit and run driver.

William Pyles, you are a monster. I hope you that read my correspondence.
From Konstantinos Pappis, Kaiserstrasse 15, 67661 Kaiserslautern, Germany
To: Mr. Robert G. Davis; USAA Chairman and CEO, USAA Headquarters, 9800 Fredericksburg Road. San Antonio, Texas 78288, USA
Dear Mr. Davis,
Subject: Hit and run accident on Sunday, May 7th, 2006 in front of my house. I was the victim of hit and run driver William Cornelius Pyles. I found out that he received a bad conduct discharge from the U.S. Air Force. Pyles totaled my NISSAN ALMERA.

Mr. Robert G. Davis, USAA Chairman and CEO

USAA Headquarters

9800 Fredericksburg Road

San Antonio, Texas

78288 USA

Subject: hit and run accident on Sunday, May 7th, 2006

Location: in front of my house, Kaiserstrasse 15, 67661 Kaiseslautern, Germany

Victim: me

Hit and run driver (your member): William Cornelius Pyles, SSAN: 282-76-1219. Former USAF Organization: 435th Communication Squadron, Ramstein Air Base. He received a bad conduct discharge and is currently in the United States..

Accident case number: USAA Frankfurt Office 1685 53 45, LR 1, CH 08

Dear Sir,

The police acknowledge that on that date, that was the only accident that occurred. Where did Pyles crash the car then? Pyles was insured with USAA in Frankfurt. Pyles former landlord, Mrs. Petra Dein, Kaiserstrasse 101, told me that she saw his damaged car on that date. Smoke was coming out of his car. His neighbors, twelve families, said that Pyles caused another two car accidents. His car lost oil and water after he hit my car. The USAA representatives in Frankfurt, Mr. Uwe Kaemmerer and Mr. Martin Goeller, are deceivers, as other car insurance representatives told me, when I spoke to them about the accident. Mr. Kaemmerer, in his last letter, wrote that he closed the case, because I have no witnesses. He should have come here to ask Pyles´s former neighbors. His former neighbors and landlord told me that no insurance representative came to ask them.

My wife and I plan to make a home page about it on the web and send it to newspapers, as our relatives in the United States told us to do.

Does anyone in your office speak German?

Most of the Americans stationed in Germany are in Kaiserslautern and so are most of the car insurers. The agents told me that Mr. Kaemmerer and Mr. Goeller are deceivers and they sell cases in order to get the commissions and percent from the company.

Tell them to come here on a Sunday morning when they will see that an airplane can land on the street where the accident happened. That is why there are no witnesses. They should come here and speak to me and I´ll take them to Pyles´s former neighbors. He had 3 cars insured with USAA. He drove for more than a year without a driver´s license.

That is what the German and US military police told me.They also said that he was insured with USAA and USAA has to pay compensation. I lost my car and my health. USAA is responsible and must find him in the United States, where he currently lives. USAA has detectives and others who cooperate with the police.




Konstantinos Pappis


Dear Mr. Kaemmerer,

I’ve been waiting for your answer since 27.02.2007. How far has the case against Pyles progressed? I want his personal data as well as his date of birth. I have relatives in the United States and US Air Force friends in the USA. My wife is American and she was a soldier in the U.S. Army. United States military generals who work at the Pentagon are among our friends. I’ve written letters to them and they responded that the USAA must give me the information about Pyles. The U.S. military police here in Ramstein covered Pyles up. He drove cars for almost one year without a driver’s license. The USAA and USAF are responsible for this accident. Even my wife’s brothers are in the U.S. Army. One is stationed in the same state were Pyles was born. I want to know what you have done and how much progress you have made. I plan to write everything on the Internet. K. Pappis


Dear Mr. Kaemmerer,

We are still waiting for your response. Have you caught the hit and run driver William Cornelius Pyles or not? You and the U.S. Air Force in Ramstein are at fault that his car was not confiscated. What is the status of the case?

At the beginning, when I received the questionnaire from you, you wrote that I should be honest. I don’t use a German lawyer. I have a German lawyer, but I don’t use him because I want to deal with Americans. I will go to America one fine day. Since the time that the U.S. military reductions began, no one is satisfied with the German communist government. Germans and foreigners want to immigrate and we haven’t experienced such high unemployment since the Second World War. I am waiting for your response. Konstantinos Pappis

Ramstein Legal Office and USAA

Dear Sir or Madam, I am sending you a photocopy of this letter along with attached documents. I also sent these documents to USAA Auto Insurance in Frankfurt. My wife, Christina, Is a former U.S. Army soldier and she is to write to her Congressman and Senator about his matter. This letter concerns a former U.S. air Force member (dishonourable discharged) William Cornelius Pyles. USAA insured his automobiles. Please read page 2 of the German Police’s NACHERMITTLUNGSBERICHT carefully throughout and where it says that Pyles didn’t have a driver’s license since 23.09.05. He cancelled his automobile insurance on 29.06.06. How is it that he was allowed to drive cars after he lost his driver’s license? Why didn’t the military police confiscate his cars? Why didn’t the German or U.S. military police contact USAA about his losing his driver’s license? His neighbors at Kaiserstrasse 101 (500 meters away from where I live on the same street) 12 families knew that he continued to drive afterwards. What cars did he have in 2006? What were the makes, models, colors?
I disagreed with the German police report in writing and personally delivered my written complaint to the District Attorneys Office in Kaiserslautern yesterday. The letter is dated 18.01.2007 and it is attached. There are many questions that have to be answered. Both the U.S. military police and the German Polizei covered this up. USAA should have been informed about Pyle’s loss of the driver’s license. He drove his cars fro approx. 9 months after he lost the license and USAA was covering his cars. I have to be financially compensated for the hit and run accident that Pyles was at fault for on Sunday morning between 9 and 9.30 on May 7th, 2006 in front of Kaiserstrasse 15. I have a lawyer on the case, Raab, in Kaiserslautern. I’d like to hear from you soon. With friendly greetings, Konstantinos Pappis


Lawyer Raab and District Attorney Rech,
This letter concerns a hit and run accident that took place on May 7th, 2006. The districts attorneys in Kaiserslautern and Zweibruecken already know about it. And policeman Pfaff and his colleagues didn’t follow the traces of oil and water. The accident was not reported in the U.S. military and German press, but the German police told us that there was a report in the German newspaper “Die Rheinpfalz” and that the police searched for witnesses through this newspaper. That was all lies. I read that newspaper every day and my wife spoke to the editor of the newspaper. Policeman Sahner handled the case 6033ujs 7523106. And he also told me that there was a report in the newspaper about the accident and that a special unit of the criminal police was investigating the accident. All fantasies and lies. The last policeman who handled the case was W. Lösch, a police commissioner. The investigation lasted seven months and they didn’t find Pyles until I received a letter from the Kaiserslautern district attorneys office which stated that the police did everything they could and they didn’t find anyone. I was seriously injured from head to toe. I began to walk again seven months later and with 50 year experience as a driver I thought Pyle’s car lost oil and water and the motor was cooking, he couldn’t have driven very far. I took my cane; I walked from house to house and spoke to the people. I showed them the letter from the district attorney. From one house to the other. Everyone knew about the accident and everyone saw the German and U.S. military police at the place where the accident occurred, but they thought that he had been caught. The last address that I went to was Kaiserstrasse 101. The occupants of that house listened to me and read the letter from the district attorney and they all laughed at once and told me that they didn’t know that the police didn’t catch him. Had the police followed the oil and water traces, they would have caught him because he lived at 101 and that address isn’t far away from where I live. I spoke to all of the people who live there, even with his landlady, Mrs. Dein. She had all of the information on him. NAME: WILLIAM CORNELIUS PYLES, SSAN: 282-76-1219, ORGANIZATION: 435th COMMUNICATIONS SQUADRON. Twelve German and American families live there. Mrs. Dein told me that he caused 3 car accidents and each time the cars were parked in the yard for a few weeks and afterwards he called the towers to come and tow the cars away to the junkyard. Mrs. Dein said that after the hit and run accident he drove directly into the yard with his defective car and the car was smoking and it stunk. In continuation she said that everyone came out of their apartments and observed the car.
At that time, I met Karl-Heinz Weber and some other people in the yard. They told me that his was Pyles third accident with your car. Everyone said that the car was a dark gray Japanese make. The landlady certified that. It wasn’t a blue Honda as was stated in the police report. At this period of time, my wife was working for 1 Euro per hour at the primary school in Hohenecken. She was a bus monitor at the end of the school day and accompanied the students to their homes. All of the students asked her “Why does her husband walk with a cane?” She told them about the hit and run car accident that happened in front of our house. All of the children knew about the accident and Karl-Heinz Weber’s daughter, Jessica Raquet, said: “My daddy knows everything about the accident, because right after the accident Pyles drove his car directly into our yard and the car was smoking and it stunk. The grown ups, even my father, asked him if the police had caught him and he told them that everything is okay”. Karl-Heinz Weber was a good friend of Pyles and they talked together often. So Karl-Heinz Weber knew everything. Jessica spoke to my wife every day about the accident and often said “your husband should talk to my papa, he knows everything about the accident and he was a friend of Pyles”. My wife told me this every day and I asked her at what bus stop does he bring his daughter every morning and she told me. I was at that bus stop at 7.15 a.m. Four women and three men from Kaiserstrasse 101 were present. I immediately spoke to Karl-Heinz Weber and everyone else listened. The bus arrived and picked up the children. I returned home. About 2 to 2 ½ hours later, I was standing in front of my house when Karl-Heinz Weber came by on a bike and we again spoke about the accident. He told me this: “The Nigger was a bad boy, he was a drug addict and an alcoholic and the Nigger drove cars without a driver’s license for over one year. The MPs confiscated his driver’s license because he caused so many accidents. Even so, he still drove cars and owned cars, which were registered and insured”.

Since that day, I had gone to Weber’s house at least 20 times. I rang the doorbell and knocked on the door and he never opened. He was in his apartment. The landlady certified this every time that I went there (my wife at times also). He sees me coming towards his house. He is hiding now that I need him as a witness.

On January 17th, 2007, my wife and I were in front of Weber’s house and we tried to contact him. His landlady told us that he is at home and he won’t come out. I went next door to the used car salesman with the police report in my hand. I asked him what car did Karl-Heinz Weber bring him and what was the car’s color? He told me this: “If you want to know the truth, everything that we sell is written in our books and if you want to know give me 20 or 30 Euros in the hand and I will tell you the truth” I showed him the police report and told him that I have an appointment at the police station tomorrow and I will tell them what you told me. He said: “The police can lick my ass. This is my business here.” That is what the Arab told me. I showed him the police report that says about a blue Honda and again the Arab said: “30 Euros and you have everything that you need”.

I showed the police report to many American criminal police friends of mine. They speak a few foreign languages. They read the report and made a few telephone calls somewhere. They asked me how it is that Karl-Heinz Weber junked the American car at the time when the American owner was here. That can only be done when a soldier is away for a long time at a military exercise and Weber would have to have a power of attorney from the American and German authorities or from an American notary public and not as it is written in the police report. The police report says that Karl-Heinz Weber brought the car, a blue Honda, next door to the Arab for junking. All of the inhabitants of Kaiserstrasse 101, even the landlady, certify that it was a Japanese car, dark gray and not a blue Honda. In addition, the police report says that at some time in the past Karl-Heinz Weber brought an Opel Omega to the Arab for junking. Why does everyone certify that the car that crashed into mine was dark gray? All of the inhabitants of 101 certified that. How did it change color from dark gray to blue? All of them read the report and they all said that the report is wrong. Everyone had the opinion that maybe Karl-Heinz Weber, as a good friend of William Cornelius Pyles, received money from Pyles so that he keeps his mouth shut so that he doesn’t betray him and Karl-Heinz Weber received the accident car as a present from Pyles to junk. I need Karl-Heinz Weber as a witness because he told me that he knew and I went to his house so many times only to see that he has disappeared without a trace. We can only come into contact with him through the lawyer. The police also said that. K.Pappis


For district attorney Rech:
The plastic pieces are not the only evidence. There are many witnesses, neighbors from next door and across the street and from the nearby St. Raphael Church. Everyone saw the car accident in Einsiedlerhof. The people waited to see what the police will do. Everyone saw the oil and water drops leaking from Pyles´car. When the people saw that the German police took only a few photographs from the accident scene and after that he police wanted to leave, the people told the police why don’t they follow the oil and water traces which means that his car is just as damaged as ma car is and he couldn’t have gotten far. The police saw that the neighbors were complaining and they didn’t follow the traces. They left without saying a word to the neighbors who complained. But the American military police stayed with me until noon. They controlled the traffic, called the tow truck and cleaned up the trash on the street. Normally, that was the responsibility of the German police. The American police said that German streets are the responsibility of the German police. We can’t follow the oil and water spots. Didn’t you see that the German policemen were lazy and they left?”
The U.S. police told this to the witnesses, because they complained. The U.S. police consisted of one German and one American. The oil spots were visible on the street for one whole week and four days later from the first day, the second, third and fourth day, I travelled everyone of those days with neighbors from Einsiedlerhof to Kindsbach then to Landstuhl, Atzel and Ramstein from one car repair garage to the other in order to find the accident car and every garage, we asked if the police went there. The staff at every garage told me that not one policeman came by and everyone said since the police didn’t follow the oil and water spots then everything is forgotten and no one will be found. Everyone told me that I should go to the customs office to see if the car registration was cancelled before it goes to the junkyard. I went there and the customs officer told me that is a case for the police and not for you. I asked him if the police came by and the man said no. I am seriously injured as a result of the accident. I still visit doctors’ offices every week. Four and a half months have past since the day of the accident. All because the police were too lazy to follow the spots. K. Pappis

April 30, 2007

Dear Mr. Goeller,

I received your response and I am not happy. Wherever and whoever I asked, the district attorney, police and a few lawyers told me that since Pyles is your member and drove the car for more than one year without a license, the German and U.S. police knew that and Pyle’s´ former landlord, Mrs. Dein acknowledged that and also gave me information from the tenant’s contract. She also told me that he committed a total of three car accidents in which he left the scene. The district attorney told me that his insurance is responsible in finding him because the headquarters is in the United States. The district attorney cannot bring him back to Germany. They can only do this when someone is killed. The USAA headquarters can find him in the United States. The German police and the district attorney closed the case, because had left for the United States. But, they have to continue searching for him in the United States. That is the job of USAA headquarters. He left Germany. The lawyers said make the first step with the insurance company by writing. We will see their answer and we will tell you when you need a lawyer. They had the opinion that they would have to deal with the United States. As I wrote before, we have many friends and relatives in the United States. My wife was a member of the United States Army, as well as many other relatives. I want this Pyle’s found and that I receive financial compensation because if you don’t continue with the case, I have copies from your letters and everything that I sent to you. These are enough for a newspaper report in the U.S. newspapers and on the Internet. I plan to send my wife to the United States so that she can make a good commercial about USAA.
The same will be done here. I spoke to reporters who work for German newspapers. Everyone is interested in what I have to say and all are against Americans. When I reach the time, when I need a lawyer, one is always available both here and in the United States. My wife and I are Hellenic-Americans and we know many other Hellenic-American politicians, lawyers and military officers. We are waiting for your response. Forget the “close the files”. That will be very expensive for USAA. Konstantinos Pappis